New Zealand Rail Maps: NZRM Progress Report 2024-09-10: Volume 6, Volume 10, Webmaps
Although last month it was said the Volume 10 Dunedin-Mosgiel maps had been brought to a close, this has in fact only just happened. The delay was mostly due to the need to get the Volumes section of the NZRM website accessible again, which required the menu to be reinstated at the top of each…
New Zealand Rail Maps: Ross Station, Ross Branch
As it may be known, the bridge at Ross crossing the Totara River, which still stands more than 40 years after the line closed, and which recently has been used by the West Coast Wilderness cycle trail, was recently closed due to safety concerns. The bridge has not been well maintained and may have to…
New Zealand Rail Maps: NZRM Progress Report 2024-08-18: Volume 10, Volume 12
This month the work on Dunedin-Mosgiel maps in Volume 10 has been brought to a close, and a quick investigation has been done with sample maps for the Tuatapere-Orawia Branch. This Southland line originated at Makarewa (12 km north of Invercargill on the Kingston Branch) with the first 28 km to Riverton opened in 1879,…
New Zealand Rail Maps: NZRM Progress Report 2024-07-17: Volume 10
This month the work on Volume 10 specifically for Dunedin to Mosgiel is being brought to a close. Part of this work is to produce some historical maps for an article appearing in the NZ Railway Observer. At the same time a complete set of maps will be produced for the section which will be…
Christian Converser: New Blog Launched:
In association with CCNZ (this blog), a new blog is being launched called which will post commentary on issues relating specifically to neurodiversity in a church context. The last post published here was, of course, such a reference in itself, and posts from the new blog will automatically be syndicated to this one in…
Configuring Docks in Gimp by editing the sessionrc config file.
Anyone who has used Gimp is familiar with the use of the toolbox and the docks that appear on the screen. People naturally have their own preferences about how to arrange these user interface elements. I worked for a long time with screens in landscape mode, with a dock on each side of the screen.…
HOWTO: Enable Hibernation in Kubuntu 24.04
Long-time readers of this blog may recall a similar article about how to enable hibernation in Kubuntu 20.04 LTS. These instructions did not need to be updated for 22.04 LTS because they were the same. For Kubuntu 24.04 these do need to be updated however. Part of the previous post is copied below. Before you…
New Zealand Rail Maps: NZRM Progress Report 2024-06-30: Volume 10
Progress on NZ Rail Maps has been slow during the past month, but the Volume 10 work needed for Dunedin to Mosgiel is practically completed, however about a week of work is still required to generate some maps from this. A hardware upgrade has just been completed on the map production computer so the Volume…
New Zealand Rail Maps: NZRM Progress Report 2024-05-25: Volume 10
Well our apologies for such a long time since the previous report. Work has been slowed somewhat in the current month, but is proceeding satisfactorily and some hardware upgrades have been performed on the Project’s computers to increase production speed for both mosaics and maps. The main effort in recent weeks has been in Volume…
New Zealand Rail Maps: NZRM Progress Report 2024-03-30: Volume 10, Volume 11
This month’s report highlights progress mainly in Volumes 10 and 11. Volume 10 work has been on completing a set of maps of the Dunedin-Mosgiel section. But the majority of work has been completed in Volume 11 and has focused around the Roxburgh Branch. Here the goal has been to complete a full set of…
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