Month: February 2019

  • NZ Rail Maps: Scaling up map mosaics & creating new tile grids

    One of the issues that comes up with doing the map mosaics for NZ Rail Maps is that the resolution of Retrolens aerial imagery can often be very high, when using the official NZR survey images at the scale that they appear on Retrolens. A typical scale is only 1:4300 which gives us a lot…

  • How to auto start x11vnc on LXQt or LXDE (including Raspbian)

    LXQt is the desktop environment of the current edition of Lubuntu. Previous editions of Lubuntu used LXDE as the desktop environment. My personal preference is to use LXQt on Debian instead of XFCE on Debian, due to XFCE development being too slow (the same reason I switched most of my more powerful computers to KDE).…