Category: NZTekonverse -> Uncategorised

  • Shoddy electrical standards cause accidents and fires

    There’s hardly a month that goes past when FENZ is not announcing that someone’s house, school or other premises has been burned down by a faulty electrical power board. This never needed to have happened, because when these devices first started to become widely available in NZ, back in my childhood, they were almost invariably…

  • Bye Bye Blogger

    This blog is now closing and moving to WordPress. This is due to Google’s arrogance in forcing everyone on Blogger to move to a bug ridden new user interface that they should have spent more time testing and fixing before they made it mandatory. Google has also been dictatorial in forcibly removing email notifications on…

  • The end of NZ Rail Maps

    This post isn’t in the NZ Rail Maps blog, nor is it tagged as NZ Rail Maps because it is not an official announcement for the project. I do however expect NZ Rail Maps will last a few more years and then be mothballed. Exactly how many years I can’t say. But after a break…

  • Setting a custom content width on Blogger’s Simple template

    Most of my Blogger blogs use the Simple template; I haven’t got much time or inclination to scroll through masses of templates and experiment. You can use the theme designer or you can directly edit the HTML to change some settings. On some of my blogs I have directly edited the HTML to set a…

  • Lubuntu LXQT still not ready for release, but can be manually installed.

    As it will be generally known, the Lubuntu community are working towards migrating their platform to Lxqt. I have been testing a whole lot of VMs running Lxqt as a desktop environment and it looks good even if it is incomplete. I have run it on my bedroom computer using a test install but there…

  • Scripts to extract audio from video clips or convert other audio formats to mp3

    This is a great thing because I can put all these MP3 clips onto my phone and play this music wherever I go. find . -type f -name “*.mkv” -exec bash -c ‘FILE=”$1″; ffmpeg -i “${FILE}” -vn -c:a libmp3lame -y “${FILE%.mkv}.mp3”;’ _ ‘{}’ ; The script goes through the current folder and all subfolders…

  • Facebook sucks…

    As I have written before, but I think really apart from interacting with friends, Facebook is a giant experiment and not one that actually achieves a lot of good. The whole premise of Facebook is to be bigger than anyone else and to churn fantastic profits from advertising. The “social media” is about creating a…

  • Using VNC for remote control again

    One year ago almost exactly I wrote about using VNC with a couple of home computers. My computer arrangement after that date was changed and remote access was not needed between two rooms of the house. However this week I have decided there are scenarios for remoting from the bedroom to the lounge where three…

  • How to change the account order in Thunderbird

    Thunderbird doesn’t provide a user interface for changing the order of accounts in the left hand pane, but Config Editor can be used to change it. See the guide here In my case I have 11 accounts listed including the two special ones, so basically 9 email accounts. I expect to tidy all that up…

  • Download managers for Linux

    Well the day arrived when I needed a download manager to handle tricky downloads so here we are. After some trial and error uget which is in the standard repositories turns out to be a good gui based download manager. It can be integrated into Firefox with the FlashGot extension. I also had to install…