Category: NZTekonverse -> Uncategorised

  • Remote Access with Remmina and XFreeRDP

    In the title of this message I have listed two remote access clients: the Remmina gui based RDP software and XFreeRDP which is command line based. Right now these are the tools I am having a play with to try out different remote access systems, which in my scenario is to allow me to remote…

  • Great image viewers for Xubuntu

    I just want something that lets me zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, lets me run multiple instances, and is easy to use. Gliv fits the bill for that, and you can easily install it directly with apt. However, it is not currently maintained. GPicView, the default viewer of LXDE, was also evaluated,…

  • Multimedia playback in Linux & remote access

    One of the things people like to do with PCs is to use them as media centres for playback and recording of videos, TV broadcasts and music etc. I haven’t really got into this in a big way other than for playback of my CD and DVD collection. Nevertheless I have used a computer for…

  • Enable hibernation in Xubuntu

    Hibernation is a somewhat controversial subject in the Linux desktop community. It is considered to be difficult to implement and to have the potential to cause a lot of problems. I have used hibernation wherever possible on all my Linux desktops but it is not always straightforward. Older hardware may not support it, and even…

  • Installing Chrome on Ubuntu

    What’s interesting about Chrome is the different icons. On Mint computers and Lubuntus the icon has been square, while on Xubuntu we are back to the old round icon. This may be because of the different installation method I have used. In general it is better to use a package supplied with your distro rather…

  • Xubuntu vs Lubuntu

    Well of course after playing with Xubuntu at home it didn’t take much to have it installed on my work computer, a very old Wolfdale with a Celeron CPU and 4 GB of RAM. A very slow computer for its age, and also relatively old. Not sure exactly but I would guess around 6 years.…

  • Xubuntu vs Mint

    Today I decided I needed something other than Mint on one of my systems. I chose to do this because Mint has had security issues that led to their website being hacked and giving out malware, and their forum database passwords stolen. Which brings down the whole reputation of their project, unfortunately. There were only…

  • Minties

    After much thought I decided the “second” computer (which is actually the newest and therefore fastest) will be used for the maps that I draw and the “first” computer (older) is the one I use for my study and some work as well. So the second computer now has the quad head video card and…

  • Today’s Linux Experience: Virtualisation Tools

    One of the great things about the major desktop OSs (Windows, OSX and Linux) is that they all have software based hypervisors available to let you run other operating systems as virtual instances in a window on your desktop. When I was getting into PC computing in a big way, the only option we had…

  • Dodgy NZ E-Commerce Sites – Your details can be stolen

    Today there is a report in the paper that the NZ Hunting and Fishing shop’s website was hacked and customers’ credit card details were stolen. Customers had noticed unusual activity on their credit cards. I have personally used a number of e-commerce sites operated by bonafide New Zealand businesses. In the rush for these businesses…