Category: NZTekonverse -> Uncategorised
Installing WordPress on IIS [1]
I have toyed with a few ideas for setting up a support site for intranet based staff use and did do a web page on one of our servers for a while. However the appeal of the blog and the mechanisms of it are such that I think this is by far the most preferred…
WDS part 2
This thread on Technet Forums details the steps needed to get WDS happening. This is how far I have got down the WDS track. The boot.wim from the Vista DVD that we have self identifies as "Microsoft Windows Longhorn Setup (x86)" which I have left it as. While the image is being added I will…
Getting started with WDS
Windows Deployment Services is Microsoft’s replacement for RIS (Remote Install Services). WDS development has been driven by the advent of Windows Vista; however, it is also capable of deploying Windows XP to client PCs. WDS is available as an update to Windows Server 2003 (in Service Pack 2) and will also be deployed with Windows…
Cable management on desktop cases and plain desks
In an ideal world every computer would be in a tower case and our computer suite desks would have proper tower bays with some form of integrated ducting. Unfortunately these objectives cannot always be met and so we have to adapt in order to achieve something that is functional, practical and above all, tidy. The…
Changes to RM Integris in NZ
Most users of RM Integris Student Management System in NZ should be aware by now that RM Australia-Pacific has taken over support of the product from Renaissance Education Division, as per the terms of an agreement dated 1st April this year. RMAP believe that this will help to improve the overall service delivery and performance…
New Windows Live Releases
What’s different about this post? It has in it, a picture, and the text in it is also fully justified. These are two key improvements that have been added to the latest beta release of Windows Live Writer when working with Google’s Blogger service. WLW Beta 3 also includes functionality for some blogging services to…
Windows Live Mail successfully installs on Domain PCs
When I first tried out Windows Live Mail Desktop beta, I never could get it to install on any of our PCs at work. WLM beta install attempts were similarly unsuccessful. I speculate that the domain GPO for Windows Update conflicts with WLMd’s attempts to set up Microsoft Update. However, on machines that have not…
What is the best computer suite layout?
We only have one computer suite, and it has been in two different layouts from the time I was involved in it. The first one had all the computers around the walls of the room and people faced the walls when they worked. The teacher could see everyone’s screens from the front of the room…
Non bootable Vista DVDs / MAKs, KMSs etc etc
After a lot of poring through the MS website I discovered indeed, the upgrade DVD you are supplied with by default will be non bootable. But you can get a bootable one on application to MS. The more tricky thing is to work out what licensing key to use with the volume license. Vista requires…
Another plug for Windows Live Writer
Well, I had a go with WLW, and I had a go with ScribeFire, and I had lots of goes with Blogger’s own composer. And after all that, even though WLW can’t do as much as Blogger, it can’t justify and it can’t post pictures, it is still the greatest because in other ways it…