NZ Tekonverse
How to set a custom display resolution in Xubuntu
This is the way to mirror my pair of screens on my bedroom PC. One screen is 1360×768 (a little odd) and the other is 1680×1050. The default mirroring in XFCE will only run them both at a 4:3 resolution like 1280×1024, since this is the highest resolution they are both compatible with, even though…
Using VNC for remote control again
One year ago almost exactly I wrote about using VNC with a couple of home computers. My computer arrangement after that date was changed and remote access was not needed between two rooms of the house. However this week I have decided there are scenarios for remoting from the bedroom to the lounge where three…
Useless Flickr processes and tools
Today I found that Flickr has been flagging some of my own personal photos as “infringing content”. I only discovered this when I downloaded some albums from one of my sites and tried to upload them to another site. I then got a few emails about content being removed that had been previously marked as…
Flickr uploaders and downloaders
So, I’m moving some of my Flickr photos from an older account into a new one. This means I have to download all the existing photos, and then upload them again on the new account. For downloading, go and look on the internet for Flickr Downloadr, which is cross platform through Mono for Linux as…
Switching Google accounts
Just to make my life more complex (hopefully simpler in future) I have decided all my email accounts will consist of three Google accounts, classified as low, medium and high priority. This involves two completely new gmail accounts and one existing one. At the moment I am working on switching over my default email account…
Qgis testing
Since my last post it seems fair to say that Qgis is like a lot of open source projects a largely community effort. There may be some people that are paid but in reality a lot of contributions are voluntary. I shouldn’t be too demanding with issues because they are working to a deadline at…
Debian vs Xubuntu: The ideal Qgis VM production environment
So having discovered a bug in the Qgis composer as the reason my homebuilt Qgis VMs crash and not any other reason, this idea of building from source has actually been not such a bad thing at all and has left me with something that actually works all in one VM and one that is…
Building Qgis from source code
UPDATE 2: Well in spite of my comments as below, it seems I have discovered a new bug in version 2.18 LTS of Qgis as well as the home built master with the composer crashing the software when attempting to render a map. It may well be that there is a bug in this master,…
How to change the account order in Thunderbird
Thunderbird doesn’t provide a user interface for changing the order of accounts in the left hand pane, but Config Editor can be used to change it. See the guide here In my case I have 11 accounts listed including the two special ones, so basically 9 email accounts. I expect to tidy all that up…
Linux is still miles better than Windows any day
My Windows PC doesn’t even get turned on that much now. It is only for a few holdout applications like the cameras and IrfanView that I really need it for. At the moment I am using it to author some of the maps, but that isn’t happening all of the time. It can cope with…