Category: NZTekonverse -> InstallMyPC

  • Setting up a second swap partition for Linux [1]

    In my last post I waxed lyrical about the merits of the Linux file system and how it is possible to have two swap partitions. Today I am setting up just that in my computer. It has an existing SSD with 100 GB available for swap, and due to an upgrade on the other computer,…

  • How to disable an input device in Lubuntu

    I have a Dell Latitude E6410 laptop and it has one of those stick pointing devices built into the keyboard. They are just a little joystick that you can use to move the mouse except it is just a tiny little thing that fits between keys and is actually quite hard to use. Anyway this…

  • Networking / Wireless with Debian LXQt

    There are some issues possible with LXQt if you have Wifi because of limitations in the current Buster install. Some of these may be resolved by the time Buster is released…but not all, for reasons explained below. First issue for Wifi is if the drivers are non-free, as is fairly likely. You’ll notice this at…

  • Autologin with LXQt

    Autologin isn’t something I do normally, but on my computer that run LXQt, for what they are used for, it gets the computer up faster so it is useful. If you are using LXQt with SDDM which is the default display manager, it is pretty easy to use. Simply edit /etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin.conf and enter the following…

  • How to auto start x11vnc on LXQt or LXDE (including Raspbian)

    LXQt is the desktop environment of the current edition of Lubuntu. Previous editions of Lubuntu used LXDE as the desktop environment. My personal preference is to use LXQt on Debian instead of XFCE on Debian, due to XFCE development being too slow (the same reason I switched most of my more powerful computers to KDE).…

  • Scanning with Linux [2]: Epson Perfection V200 Photo scanner on Debian

    Last time I wrote about scanning I had done the installation on mainpc. So having a new post is because of reinstalling on mediapc and a few hiccups. The main thing I am writing about is Epson now gives you the wrong download package for the Perfection V200 Photo scanner for Linux. If you search…

  • Limits.conf settings to allow a lot of file handles

    One of the things I always have to remember to do for Qgis is for each time I install a computer or VM is to change the default settings in /etc/security/limits.conf to allow a larger number of file handles. Otherwise Qgis can’t open a lot of layers at once. Open this file and put the…

  • HOWTO: Enable root login in KDE / Debian

    UPDATE: Since I discovered Ctrl-Alt-F1 and found I could root login there and have no problems, I have not bothered modifying any KDE computer to enable the root login. Last time I wrote that I needed to try a new user profile on serverpc because of issues resuming from hibernation. This has proved to be…

  • Life with KDE [5]: Install on Debian over XFCE

    So I haven’t written too much on this blog for a couple of weeks. Now I am writing about KDE because I have decided which computers will have it and which won’t. serverpc gets it installed because it is fast and has 16 GB of memory, and mediapc will be the one that doesn’t because…

  • HOWTO: Change application font sizes in XFCE

    Since I am going to have to keep at least one of my computers running XFCE (it doesn’t need remote access) because MTP works better on Debian 9.5/XFCE for now, I needed to look at how to set menu and application font sizes. There is actually not a GUI to do this. There was not…