Category: NZTekonverse -> Gimp

  • Configuring Docks in Gimp by editing the sessionrc config file.

    Anyone who has used Gimp is familiar with the use of the toolbox and the docks that appear on the screen. People naturally have their own preferences about how to arrange these user interface elements. I worked for a long time with screens in landscape mode, with a dock on each side of the screen.…

  • Setting up a second swap partition for Linux [2]

    In the first post of this series several years ago, I wrote on how to add a second swap partition to increase the size of the swap space, by adding a second swap entry to the fstab file. This is very much the simplest way of increasing the swap space by using multiple disks, if…

  • Gimp 2.99.12 beta fails to fix major undo bug from 2.99.10

    Currently, the Gimp project is developing a new release, 3.0. The beta version is being produced as version 2.99 with nightly releases having odd subversions e.g. 2.99.1, 2.99.3 etc and the production releases having even subversions e.g. 2.99.0, 2.99.2 etc. The project has now released version 2.99.12. However, a major bug in the undo function…

  • Flatpak rollback to previous version of Gimp Beta

    I did blog this before, but I have this time around had a successful instance of using this, because in this instance the application concerned did have sufficient commits available to roll back a point release. This example is the beta edition of Gimp, which I have been testing on a computer for some months.…

  • Upgrading

    The series on how to build a PC from $300 to $3000 is being written as an allusion to my own computer upgrade project I have been working on this week. I took the middle of the road approach to this system and was able to bring the timeline forward after obtaining family support. A…

  • Drawing Outline Rectangles (Boxes) In Gimp

    The designers of Gimp are at pains to tell us it is not a drawing tool. Yet it can convert a selection into an outline. So we can for example draw a rectangular selection and make an outline from it. Outlines are useful in the NZ Rail Maps aerial mosaics, where a lot of pixels…

  • Gimp Config Files

    Gimp now seems to be consistently storing its config files in ~/.config/GIMP/x.xx (where x.xx is the version/release number). This applies even to the flatpak version, which is supposed to be sandboxed within the var area. The files such as menurc which stores the keyboard shortcuts can be copied from one computer to another using these…

  • PDF Editors For Linux

    This post is brought to you by the new Blogger interface Google has forced on everyone! Which is dreadful! The only way I keep my sanity editing posts on Blogger is to create the post in a separate editor (LibreOffice Writer in this case) and then paste the completed article into Blogger. There is much…

  • Reinstall KDE system with LXQt [3]

    Reinstall KDE system with LXQt [3]

    This is the third article in a series about problems with KDE leading to a reinstallation with LXQt. Both running on top of Debian 10. The computer concerned is running two NICs because it needs to access both networks that I have here. I have the main one based on a corporate wireless link from…

  • NZ Rail Maps: Using Gimp To Georeference Retrolens Aerial Photos [7]: Extracting Mosaic Tiles

    NZ Rail Maps: Using Gimp To Georeference Retrolens Aerial Photos [7]: Extracting Mosaic Tiles

    So I have been trialling the alternative overlay method with more files and have decided to redo all the mosaics for Auckland so far. This is a few days’ work but as there are already some issues with accuracy in some of the more hilly areas or where the embankment is raised, it is going…