NZ Tekonverse
Rebuilding My PC [3]
Now that we have the board completed, the next task is to install it into the chassis. Your existing chassis should already have spacers installed, the board sits on these spacers to hold it up clear of the chassis. Check that the spacers are in the same number and positions as the board needs, if…
Rebuilding My PC [2]
After the power supply, the next thing to do is to assemble and install the main system board. The board comes with an I/O shield which fits into a space on the back of the chassis and this has the cutouts in it for the onboard connectors. Which in this case are PS/2 mouse and…
Rebuilding My PC [1]
Well, of course, we all know that PCs don’t last forever, and I am not interested in the extremist brigade that say you should try to get 8-10 years of life out of a PC. The way I see it is, a PC is obsolete after about five years and while it will still do…
Advanced MDT
My production deployment of the Win7EntX64 image has had a few glitches we are looking into. Two deployments had errors, but two worked more or less as expected. I have started to leverage the VM produced monolithic images by creating custom task sequences to deploy them to other platforms, which is one way we can…
Switchcraft EH Series [2]
We received our order today of the inserts and some plates we had also bought from Jansens to go with them. Here is what one of these looks like straight out of the bag. You will see that the coupler looks like a standard VGA gender changer, and in fact that’s exactly what it is.…
Building Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Image [5], Earthquake !!!!
On Friday I wrote about the difficulty I was having in getting proper support for software for schools making their own Windows images for HP laptops. After a very long and convoluted process involving the IT Helpdesk, Tela Helpdesk and Axon, which is the Tela laptop repair agent for HP, I have finally had my…
Building Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Image [4], Thin Client, Home Computer
Firstly, thin client. The T5720 does have support for TS Gateway but in actuality is unable to run it, when flashed with the latest available XP Embedded image from HP. I am not going to delve too much into this but suffice it to say that with thin clients you are tied to the vendor…
Building Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Image [3]
OK so recapping. Getting on with Windows 7 x64 imaging installing feature apps, then another capture, then testing full deployment. After that it will be customising with 6550b deployment task and testing the outcome on a 6550b. The pre release of Update 1 had problems but the production release looks like working satisfactorily so I…
Building Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Image [2] – Test Deployment Base OS & Core Apps
OK, start deployment capture using MDT 2010 Update 1 capture platform. Apply Windows PE capture step fails. Capture task eventually reports 8 errors. Logs are written to C:MININT subdirectories and %temp%SMSTSLog folder and %temp%smsts.log. Try updating deployment share. Install 7Entx64 as OS in MDT. Update deployment share again to use new OS boot images. This…
Building Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Image / Home PC
We have started deploying new laptops (HP Probook 6550b) with 4 GB RAM so x64 Windows 7 is the preferred OS due to 3.5 GB limit of x32 Windows. Previous image covered in the series of articles starting here was 32 bit Pro generic and specific, now building 64 bit Ent generic / specific. I…